ORIGINAL: Comparing Antenatal and Delivery Care Services in Public and Private Health Facilities: Evidence from 2018 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey
West Afr J Med. 2021 Mar 22; 38(3):206-212 PMID: 33764716
Antenatal care, Delivery services, Public, Private, Health FacilitiesAbstract
Background: There have been calls for privatisation of public health facilities to improve quality of care received. The study compared antenatal and delivery services received in public and private health facilities in Nigeria.
Methods: The study was based on 2018 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey data collected from women aged 15-49 years, concerning their pregnancy and delivery. Data on those that attended antenatal clinic (ANC) in public or private facilities and had live births in the preceding five years was analysed. Simple logistic regression was used to test for association between type of facility for ANC and delivery and the care received.
Results: A total of 15,811 women attended ANC in public (12,921, 81.7%) and private (2,890, 18.3%) facilities, and 12,399 delivered in public (8,583, 69.2%) and private (3,817, 30.8%) facilities. Type of facility attended was associated with number of ANC visits (OR=3.89; p<0.001), blood sample taken (OR=1.16; p=0.029), iron supplementation (OR=0.49; p<0.001), deworming (OR=0.74; p<0.001), receiving all the components of ANC service (OR=0.79; p<0.001), and skilled birth attendance (OR=3.81; p<0.001). However, it was not associated with blood pressure measurement (OR=1.07; p=0.459), urine sample taken (OR=1.05; p=0.486), postnatal check (OR=0.94; p=0.171) and timing of postnatal check (OR=0.73; p=0.185).
Conclusion: While private facilities had more ANC visits and skilled birth attendance, overall provision of ANC services was better in the public facilities. Therefore, antenatal and delivery services were not necessarily better in private facilities. Beyond availability, further studies are needed to compare the quality of antenatal and delivery services in public and private facilities.