ORIGINAL: Evaluation of Inter-atrial Septal Defect Diameter and Left Ventricular Systolic Function in Children with Ostium Secundum Atrial Septal Defect in Enugu, Nigeria
West African Journal of Medicine 2024 March; 41(3): 251-257 PMID: 38787645
Children, Echocardiography, Inter-atrial size septal defect, Left ventricular function, Ostium secundum atrial septaldefect (ASD)Abstract
Background: Children with ostium secundum atrial septal defect (OS ASD) usually present with varying degrees of ventricular dysfunction.
Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the left ventricular systolic function of children with OS ASD compared with control.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study involving 113 children with OS ASD and 113 age- and sex- matched controls. Their age ranged from 1 month to 16 years. There were 49 males and 64 females in each group. Left ventricular systolic function of children with isolated OS ASD were compared with that of controls using echocardiography. Subjects and controls who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were consecutively recruited in the study. The data elicited from the study were analyzed with the IBM SPSS version 20 (IBM Corp, Chicago).
Results: The mean left ventricular mass (LV mass) of the control, 93.9±113.6 gm was significantly higher than that of subjects with OS ASD, 39.4±74.3 gm, (Mann Whitney U= 4.266, p< 0.001). Similarly, the mean left ventricular internal diameter in diastole (LVIDd) of the control,25.8±11.7 mm was significantly higher than that of participants with OS ASD, 19.9±7.1 mm (Mann Whitney U=4.522, p<0.001). The mean interventricular septal diameter in systole (IVSs) of the control, 7.2±3.5 mm was higher than that of participants with OS ASD, 5.0±1.9 mm and the mean difference was found to be statistically significant, (Student t=5.738, p<0.001). The mean left ventricular internal diameter in systole (LVIDs) of the control, 16.2±7.6 mm was significantly higher than that of participants with OS ASD, 12.9±5.8 mm, (Student t= 3.660, p< 0.001). There was no significant correlation between the size of interatrial septal defect of children with OS ASD and left ventricular systolic function and age :(Corr. Coef. 0.065, p= 0.492) ; EF( Corr. Coef. 0.121,p=0.202), FS (Corr. Coef. 0.139, p=0.143).
Conclusion: Children with OS ASD had lower left ventricular mass compared with those with control. Females seem to have higher function than males.