ORIGINAL: Sonographic Evaluation of Nigerian Women with Mammographic Focal Asymmetric Density
West African Journal of Medicine 2024 March; 41(3): 233-237 PMID: 38785292
Breast, Focal asymmetry, Mammography, UltrasoundAbstract
Background and objective: Focal asymmetric breast densities (FABD) present a diagnostic challenge concerning the need for a further histologic workup to rule out malignancy. We therefore aim to correlate ultrasonography and mammographic findings in women with FABD and evaluate the use of ultrasonography as a workup tool.
Methodology: This is a retrospective study of women who underwent targeted breast sonography due to FABD with a mammogram in a private diagnostic centre in Abuja over three years (2016-2018). Demographic details, clinical indication, mammographic and ultrasonography features were documented and statistical analysis was done using SAS software version 9.3 with the statistical level of significance set at 0.05.
Result: The age range of 44 patients was 32-69 years with a majority (79.5%) presenting for screening mammography. The predominant breast density pattern in those <60 years was heterogeneous (ACR C). FABD in mammography was noted mostly in the upper outer quadrant and retro-areolar regions (34.1 and 38.6%). Ultrasonography findings were normal breast tissue (56.8%), 4 simple cysts, 1 abscess, 4 solid masses, 2 focal fibrocystic changes, and 4 cases of duct ectasia. Twenty-nine (65.9%) of the abnormal cases were on the same side as the mammogram, while all the incongruent cases were recorded in heterogeneously dense breasts (ACR C). Final BIRADS Scores on USS showed that 41(93.2%) of mammographic FABD had normal and benign findings while only 2(4.6%) had sonographic features of malignancy.
Conclusion: Breast ultrasonography allows for optimal lesion characterization and is a veritable tool in the workup of patients with focal asymmetric breast densities with the majority presenting as normal breast tissue and benign pathologies.