ORIGINAL: Stroke Hexagon: Protocol for Reduction of Stroke Burden in Resource-Poor Settings

West Afr J Med. November 2023; 40 (11): 1199-1208 PMID: 38096494


  • C. O. Eze Neurology Unit, Internal Medicine Department, Alex Ekwueme Federal University Teaching Hospital, Abakaliki (AEFUTHA), Ebonyi State, Nigeria.


Protocol, Resource poor setting, Stroke burden, Stroke hexagon


Background: Stroke is a neurological emergency, with high prevalence, especially in developing countries where it assumes an epidemic proportion. It is globally the second most common cause of death after ischemic heart disease. The poor indices reported in developing countries are multifactorial and related to late case presentation, ignorance, poverty, and unavailability of comprehensive and well-coordinated stroke care.

Objectives: This manuscript identified and highlighted the available and cheap stroke management pillars in developing countries and recommended measures to strengthen the system to maximize the benefits in the reduction of morbidity and mortality from stroke.

Results: The identified stroke management pillars include stroke prevention, hyperacute stroke management, acute stroke management, stroke rehabilitation, stroke research, and stroke support.

Conclusions: A coordinated and concerted stroke management protocol involving the stroke hexagon will reduce stroke morbidity and mortality in resource-poor settings. There is a need to sensitize the stakeholders in stroke management to assume more responsibility.

