ORIGINAL: Development and Validation of Cannabis Use Disorder Scale among University Undergraduates in Nigeria

West Afr J Med. 2023 October; 40 (10): 1107-1117 PMID: 37906961


  • O. A. Owoeye Department of Clinical Services, Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Yaba, Lagos.
  • O. F. Aina Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Lagos.
  • O. Makanju Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Lagos.
  • A. B. Aroyewun Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Lagos, Lagos.


CUDS, Cannabis Use, Nigeria, Validation


Background: Psychoactive substance use continues to be an important public health issue among the populace, most especially in adolescents and young adults. Cannabis is one of the commonly used substances with associated health complications, hence the necessity for its screening among at-risk people. Thus, our study set out to develop and validate a screening inventory, the Cannabis Use Disorder Scale (CUDS) for cannabis use detection among undergraduate students in Nigeria.

Methods: In a cross-sectional study of selected undergraduate students in a Nigerian University, the Cannabis Use Disorder Scale (CUDS) was developed by the authors and validated against a standard instrument, Cannabis Use Problem Identification Test (CUPIT).

Results: The mean age of the 306 participants was 21.9±2.69 years, made up of 70.6% males and 29.4% females. The mean score on CUDS was 41.00, and a score above this indicates a positive screen for cannabis use. In terms of validity, there was a strong correlation between CUDS and CUPIT scores, with Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient, r=0.722** at p=0.01 on concurrent validity; and with construct validity, the Kaiser-Meyer Olkin (KMO) test yielded a KMO of 0.900, while the Barlett's tests of sphericity yielded an approximate Chi-Square of 2820.00,df=300, at p<0.01.Again, Cronbach's alpha for CUDS was found to be 0.906**, and Guttman split-half reliability to be 0.862** at p<0.05.

Conclusion: In this study, the newly developed cannabis use screening inventory, CUDS was found to be a valid and reliable instrument for use in Nigeria.

