A Survey of the Prevalence and Anthropometric Correlates of the Risk for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea in Abuja, Nigeria
A. A. Akor, J. O. Ogedengbe, B. Chori, A. Odili
BACKGROUND: Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) is a
significant public health challenge, with increasing prevalence
and mortality. A significant proportion of the burden of this
disorder occurs in middle- and low-income countries.
Unfortunately, the rising number of individuals with a new OSA
diagnosis and its consequences are frequently underestimated.
This study aims to evaluate the prevalence and the correlates
of OSA in the community setting.
METHODS AND MATERIAL: The study was a cross-sectional
community-based survey. A standardized self-administered
Berlin questionnaire was administered to all the study
participants. The questionnaire has three categories that assess
snoring, daytime sleepiness, and OSA. The international
physical activity questionnaire and Sheldon Cohen perceived
stress was applied to assess physical activity and psychosocial
stress levels. The subject’s anthropometric and other clinical
parameters were measured using the appropriate instrument
for measurements. The data obtained were analyzed with SPSS
version 21 software.
RESULTS: Four hundred thirty-six (436) participants returned
the completed questionnaire, out of which, 234 (53.7%) of the
study population were men. The overall prevalence of the risk
for OSA was 30% (36% in men vs. 24% in women). The risk of
developing OSA was 1.8 times more in men. Hypertension was
the most frequently reported comorbidity among the population
at risk for developing OSA.
CONCLUSION: Obstructive sleep apnoea is a common but
frequently neglected medical condition. The proportion of
individuals affected may be more than is currently suggested.
Routine screening for OSA and initiation of early treatment is
necessary to mitigate the attendant consequences. WAJM
2022; 39(3): 223–227.
Keywords: Prevalence, obstructive sleep apnoea, Nigeria.