ORIGINAL ARTICLES Predictors of Anaemia among Pregnant Women Booking for Antenatal Care at Federal Medical Centre, Bida, Niger State, Nigeria

West Afr J Med . 2023 Aug 28;40(8):831-837.


  • A C Ekpe et.al


ANC; Anaemia; Predictors; Pregnancy.


Abstract  in English, French

Background: Maternal anaemia results in morbidity and mortality in both the mother and the unborn child.

Introduction: Several factors have been found to determine anaemia among pregnant women but vary from place to place depending on the population and setting of the study. We thus set out to determine predictors of anaemia among pregnant women at booking in FMC, Bida.

Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out over a period of three (3) months among 248 pregnant women booking for Antenatal Care (ANC) at the ANC Clinic of the Federal Medical Centre (FMC), Bida, Niger state.

Results: The mean haemoglobin concentration was 10.2 ±1.0g/dl and 72.6% of all the women were anaemic (haemoglobin concentration < 11g/dl). Anaemia was significantly related to Religion (Islam) (p <0.001), Ethnicity (Yoruba) (p <0.001), the Gestational age (second trimester) at booking (p= 0.013), Interpregnancy interval (< 2 years) (p <0.001), microcytic red blood cell (p <0.001) and hypochromic red blood cell (p <0.001) morphology and absence of fever (p = 0.043) in index pregnancy. In the final analysis at the multivariate level hypochromic red blood cells (OR = 0.049, p = 0.001, CI = 0.008-0.307), Gestational age (second trimester) at booking (OR = 3.465, p = 0.011, CI = 1.323-9.077) and Religion (Islam) (OR = 4.309, p = 0.006, CI = 1.520-12.215) remained significant independent predictors of anaemia.

Conclusion: Anaemia in pregnancy is still a frequent finding, and it's linked to diets poor in iron and folate, booking in the second trimester, and religion. The prevalence and severity of anaemia in pregnancy will be considerably reduced by early booking, and iron/folate nutritional interventions.

Keywords: ANC; Anaemia; Predictors; Pregnancy.

A C Ekpe 1S A Adefemi 1M D Pemi 1

