ORIGINAL ARTICLES Gender Differences in Clinical Characteristics and Lifestyle Behaviours of Overweight and Obese Adolescents

West Afr J Med . 2023 Apr 28;40(4):438-444.


  • N J Iduoriyekemwen et.al


Adolescents; Gender differences; Lifestyle behaviours Overweight; Obese


Abstract  in English, French

Background: Energy intake and energy expenditure are different in boys and girls, especially during the adolescent period, a critical period for the development of obesity. However, gender-specific lifestyle behaviours that may influence the development of obesity among adolescent have not received sufficient attention.

Aim: To determine gender differences in male and female overweight/ obese adolescents concerning their clinical parameters, dietary, sedentary and physical activity lifestyle behaviours.

Methods: From a total of 1036 secondary school students aged 10-17 years, BMI percentile for age and gender was used to identify overweight and obese individuals. These adolescents were then questioned on dietary, sedentary and physical activity lifestyle behaviours via a structured self-administered questionnaire.

Results: The overweight/obese adolescent identified were 92. Female adolescents were 1.5 times more than male adolescents. The male, overweight/ obese adolescents were significantly younger than their female counterparts (11.9 ± 1.0 years vs 13.2 ± 2.0 years p=0.0001). Female overweight/ obese adolescents were significantly heavier (67.1 ± 12.5 kg vs 59.6 ± 8.6 kg, p=0.003), with higher BMI (25.7 ± 3.7 kg/m2 vs 24.0 ± 2.3 kg/m2, p=0.012), and wider hip circumference (102.9 ± 9.0 cm vs 95.7 ± 6.7 cm, p=0.002). Regarding lifestyle behaviours, female overweight/ obese adolescents consumed more fast foods compared to their male counterparts (p=0.012). In contrast, significantly more male overweight/ obese adolescents were driven to and from school compared to female adolescents (p=0.028).

Conclusion: Gender differences exist between overweight/obese female and male adolescents. The females were older, heavier and consumed fast foods more frequently. While their male counterparts were younger and tended to engage in less physical exertion. These factors should be considered when planning adolescents' weight loss and prevention interventions.

Keywords: Adolescents; Gender differences; Lifestyle behaviours Overweight; Obese

N J Iduoriyekemwen 1M T Abiodun 1W E Sadoh 1A N Onyiriuka 1

