ORIGINAL: Prevalence and Factors Associated with HIV Sero-Discordance among In-Union HIV Patients Receiving Care in a Private Health Facility in Jos, North Central, Nigeria

West Afr J Med . 2022 Apr 29;39(4):415-424


  • A K Umeobieri et.al


Cohabiting Couple; Human Immunodeficiency; Sero-discordance.


Abstract  in English, French

Introduction: The burden of HIV infection in households of people living with HIV (PLHIV) is usually high. The existence of HIV discordance and reasons for that is largely unknown. Moreover, how people in a discordant relationship can live happily together with negative partner not getting infected and/or safely have children are not well understood. This study is to determine the prevalence and factors associated with HIV sero-discordance among in-union HIV patients receiving care in a private health facility in Jos, north central Nigeria.

Methods: A descriptive cross sectional design was used for the study involving HIV clients. Their records were reviewed and a proforma used to extract needed information. Questionnaire was equally used. A total of 1505 patients were studied out of which 75 were sero-discordant. They were recruited consecutively. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20 and presented using frequencies, percentages, and tables.

Results: Findings revealed that 75 (5.0%) were discordant giving a prevalence of 5%. Majority of the clients were females: [non-discordant 805(56.3%), discordant 45(60.0%)], attained secondary education [non-discordant 590(41.3%), discordant 60(80.0%)], have been in partnership for 1-10 years [non-discordant 525(36.7%). discordant 45(60.0%)], have sex with partner weekly [non-discordant 1385(96.9%), discordant 60(80.0%)], have no other sexual partner [non-discordant 1070(74.8%), discordant 75(100.0%)]. have viral load of <100 [non-discordant 1315(92.0%), discordant 75(100.0%)], have CD4 count of 200-499 [non-discordant 585(40.9%), discordant 30(40.0%)]. Most of participants knew that ART, consistent use of condom, abstinence and post exposure prophylaxis prevent HIV. There were statistical significant associations of characteristics of clients and their knowledge on HIV prevention with HIV status of partner.

Conclusion: Prevalence of discordance is high. There was no identified predictor of HIV status of partner. For HIV prevalence and sero-discordant status to reduce, women should have a say or be at an equal platform as men in terms of control over their sexuality.

Keywords: Cohabiting Couple; Human Immunodeficiency; Sero-discordance.

A K Umeobieri 1H J Gyang 1E C Aniwada 1

