ORIGINAL: Giant Ameloblastoma and the Risk of Recurrence: Experiences from a Tertiary Hospital

West Afr J Med . 2022 Apr 29;39(4):350-354.


  • B Fomete et.al


Experience; Giant Ameloblastoma; Risk of Recurrence.


Abstract  in English, French

Background: Ameloblastoma is an aggressive tumor of odontogenic epithelium that grows slowly with propensity for bone expansion. Sometimes it may grow to very large sizes also known as giant ameloblastoma (GA) which may affect function and even pose a threat to life.

Objective: To present the pattern of presentation of GAs seen in a tertiary centre in Northern Nigeria.

Patients and methods: A retrospective study of patients seen with GA at the Oral and Maxillofacial Clinic of a tertiary health facility of Northern Nigeria between January 2006 to December 2019. All patients with complete documentation in the folder, theatre register and histopathologic records were recruited for the study. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 23.

Results: GAs accounted for 30.2% (48) of all the ameloblastomas operated during the period with a male dominance of 62.5% (30), giving a ratio of 1.7:1(M:F). The age range was between 12 and 65 years with a mean age of 35.04years (±14.5) and the mandible was the most affected jaw compared to the maxilla (12.5%). Lesions with lowest and highest weight were found on the mandible (77g and 1640g respectively). The treatment most given was mandibulectomy (unspecified) with 20.0% followed by Rt and Lt mandibulectomies with 14.0% each.

Conclusion: GA was found to account for 30.2% of all lesions seen within the period under review, while the mandible was the most affected jaw bone.

Keywords: Experience; Giant Ameloblastoma; Risk of Recurrence.

