ORIGINAL: Clinical Characteristics, Management, and Six-Month Outcomes after Discharge of Patients Admitted for Acute Heart Failure in Ibadan, Nigeria

West Afr J Med . 2023 Jan 30;40(1):30-44.


  • O Adebayo et.al


Acute heart failure; Cardiovascular disease; Heart failure; Hypertension; Nigeria.


Abstract  in English, French

Background: The burden of acute heart failure (AHF) is on the increase globally however, there are few studies on AHF in Nigeria and among black populations.

Objective: This study described the clinical profile, conventional management and six-months outcome after discharge of patients admitted for acute heart failure at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria.

Methods: The study was a prospective study of 160 consecutive AHF patients. Socio-demographic details, clinical history, basic laboratory parameters electrocardiographic and echocardiographic parameters were assessed. They were followed-up for six-months after discharge to ascertain death or readmission.

Results: The mean ± standard deviation (SD) age of all the patients was 58.0 ±15.1 years. Those aged 60 years and above constituted about half of the participants. Males comprised 59.3% and hypertension was the most common risk factor (77.5%). One hundred and thirty-four subjects (83.8%) were in New York Heart Association functional classes III or IV. The most common AHF type was heart failure with reduced ejection fraction and mostly presented de novo. The mean duration of admission was 11 days while intrahospital mortality and mortality at 6 months after discharge were 6.3% and 25.6% respectively.

Conclusion: This study provided a real-world data of AHF at UCH, Ibadan, Nigeria. It showed AHF was predominantly associated with hypertension. There was high mortality among these AHF subjects. There is a need for more strategy in our environment for preventing AHF and its adverse outcomes.

Keywords: Acute heart failure; Cardiovascular disease; Heart failure; Hypertension; Nigeria.

O Adebayo 1O S Ogah 1 2A Adebiyi 1 2A Aje 2A M Adeoye 1 2O Oladapo 1 2

