ORIGINAL: Quest to Improve Management of Prostate Cancer in West Africa: Development of a Clinical Audit Tool

West Afr J Med . 2022 Nov 30;39(11):1205-1208.


  • S O Osaghae et.al


Audit Tool; Clinical audit; Prostate Cancer; Standards; West Africa.


Abstract  in English, French

In 2010 and during the following decade, two guidelines were published for the management of prostate cancer in West Africa. A key recommendation of the guidelines was the need for the development of a Clinical Audit Tool which should help surgeons and institutions to identify the gaps between the recommended standards and current practice. In this paper, a Clinical Audit Tool, WAPCAT, was developed to facilitate and implement the audit process for the management of Prostate cancer in a West African healthcare institution.

Keywords: Audit Tool; Clinical audit; Prostate Cancer; Standards; West Africa.

S O Osaghae 1 2

