ORIGINAL: Assessment of MTR Rs1805087 SNP as Possible Modifier of Sickle Cell Disease Severity in a Nigerian Population
West Afr J Med . 2022 Nov 30;39(11):1198-1204.
Homocysteine; Methionine synthase gene; Sickle cell disease; Sickle cell disease severity.Abstract
Background: Sickle cell disease is the commonest genetic disorder in Nigeria, affecting 2-3% of an estimated population of 160 million people. The role of genetic mutations in folate cycle genes, and the variable phenotypic expressions constituting disease severity, needs to be critically examined.
Objective: This study was carried out to establish the pattern of methionine synthase gene mutations (rs1805087 SNP), and its possible association with disease severity in adults with sickle cell anaemia in Lagos, Nigeria.
Methodology: This is a cross-sectional study of seventy (70) subjects with sickle cell disease (HbSS) matched for age and gender with known apparently healthy haemoglobin genotype AA (HbAA) subjects, as cases and controls respectively. Structured questionnaires were used to obtain demographic, clinical and other phenotypic data needed to compute disease severity. Pattern of MTR A2756G gene mutation and homocysteine assay (Hcy) were assessed by Polymerase Chain Reaction and Enzyme- linked Immunosorbent Assay respectively. Full blood count analysis of participants was done using the KX-21 Automated Analyzer (Sysmex Corporation, Japan).
Results: The mutant genotypes MTR 2756 AG/GG were recorded in 46.4% (n =55) of subjects with disease severity score >7. Elevated plasma homocysteine (HHcy) was significantly associated with disease severity among HbSS subjects (OR=17.2, CI: 3.490-86.079; p=0.0001). Conversely, no significant association was observed with the mutant genotypes MTR 2756 AG/GG and disease severity (p>0.05).
Conclusion: While HHcy is significantly associated with phenotypic expression of HbSS, the MTR 2756 SNPs did not appear to independently influence homocysteine level or disease severity in HbSS subjects.
Keywords: Homocysteine; Methionine synthase gene; Sickle cell disease; Sickle cell disease severity.
V O Osunkalu 1, A A Ogbenna 1, N O Davies 1, F O Olowoselu 1, O E Aiyelokun 1, O J Akinsola 2, I A Taiwo 3