ORIGINAL: Occupational Hand Dermatitis amongst Cassava Processors in Rural Communities in Southwest Nigeria

West Afr J Med . 2022 Oct 20;39(10):1089-1094.


  • O O Ayanlowo et.al


Bare hands; Cassava (garri); Cassava peels; Cassava processors; Farming; Hand dermatitis; Nordic Occupational Skin Questionnaire (NOSQ–2002); Occupation.


Background: Hand dermatitis (HD) is an inflammatory disorder of the hand. Agricultural industries (farming) have been reported as one of the leading occupation predisposing workers to health risks. Practices such as dumping cassava peels in farm environment, removal of heaps of peels, soaking of cassava and clearing of ditches have been identified as potentially harmful. These processes, which are wet works, are often done with bare hands predisposing cassava processors to HD.

Aims: This study aimed to determine the prevalence, predisposing factors and characteristics of HD amongst cassava processors in some rural communities in Southwest Nigeria.

Methodology: This was a cross-sectional prospective study involving females engaged in farming and processing of raw cassava into 'garri' meal using the traditional methods. Four hundred and twenty-six female cassava processors were included. The questionnaire used was an adaptation of the Nordic Occupational Skin Questionnaire (NOSQ-2002) which is used to document work related skin diseases of the hand and forehand, and exposures to environmental factor.

Results: The mean age was 38.7 years and age range 13 - 70 years. Fifty-seven (13.4%) participants presented with HD within 12 months. Itching was the most common symptoms reported by 44 (10.3%) participants followed by pain 26 (6.1%) and small bumps 23 (4.9%) . The palmar surface of the right hand was most affected. None of the participants who use gloves regularly reported any symptoms of HD.

Conclusion: Cassava processors have been shown to be at potential risk of occupational HD; hence, health education and use of protective materials are important measures for prevention.

Keywords: Bare hands; Cassava (garri); Cassava peels; Cassava processors; Farming; Hand dermatitis; Nordic Occupational Skin Questionnaire (NOSQ–2002); Occupation.

O O Ayanlowo 1T J Okwor 2E Otrofanowei 1

