CASE REPORT: Favourable Outcome of Severe Lassa Fever Following Early Diagnosis and Treatment: A Case Report

West Afr J Med. 2021 April; 38(4): 395-397 PMID: 33904294


  • J. A. Onuh Department of Internal Medicine, 44 Nigerian Army Reference Hospital, Kaduna - Nigeria.
  • A. E. Uloko Department of Internal Medicine, Bayero University Kano & Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano, Nigeria.


Background: Nigeria has experienced several outbreaks of Lassa fever with a high fatality rate mostly from delayed presentation and treatment. We report a case of severe Lassa fever with complete recovery following prompt treatment to draw the attention of clinicians to the importance of early diagnosis and prompt treatment.

Case summary: A 30 year old male Nigerian presented with acute fever, haematuria and haematemesis. He was immediately commenced on ribavirin in addition to supportive care. He improved clinically and was discharged after full recovery.

Conclusion: We recommend strengthening of health institutions towards early identification of suspected cases and prompt treatment.

Keywords: Early Diagnosis and Treatment; Favourable Outcome; Lassa Fever; Nigeria; Ribavirin.

